
Last week we did a retopo of a decimated head model. Below you wil find my work rendered with checker map and uv map, aswell as a uv template.

UV-map render:

Cehcker-map render:


There was a difference between the depth of my eye sockets and the original models. As you can see his transferred rather poorly during projection, and i wil do it differently next time.

My staff!

I’ve recently been working on a man-made hardsurface project. As you probably understood i chose to make a staff. I didnt have the time to texturise or render it yet, but I will post the end essults as soon as its finished.

This is the Wireframe.

The full model. The staff itself wil be texturised to look like wood.

kepp kepp

The bottle wil be looking like a gourd bottle.
Its also important to point out that the rope is a brush i got for free from

Kepp bottle

Finally the hand protectors wil end up looking like they are time worn metal.

kepp handguard